Dynamic Testing & Potential for Learning
- Resing, W.C.M. (2013). Dynamic testing and individualized instruction: Helpful in cognitive education? Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 12, 81-95.]
- Stevenson, C.E., Heiser, W.J. & Resing, W.C.M. (2013). Working memory as a moderator of training and transfer of analogical reasoning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 159-169.
- Stevenson, C.E., Hickendorff, M., Resing, W.C.M., Heiser, W.J. & De Boeck, P.A.L. (2013). Explanatory item response modeling of children’s change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning. Intelligence, 41, 157-168.
- Bosma, T, & Resing, W.C.M. (2012). Need for Instruction: Dynamic Testing in Special Education . European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, 1-19.
- Elliott, J.G., & Resing, W.C.M. (2012). Cross-Cultural Factors in Learning and Motivation. In S. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 850-853). Springer US.
- Resing, W. C. M., Xenidou-Dervou, I., Steijn, W. M.P., & Elliott, J.G. (2012). A “picture” of children’s potential for learning: Looking into strategy changes and working memory by dynamic testing. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 144-150.
- Resing, W.C.M., Bosma, T., & Stevenson, C.E. (2012). Dynamic testing: Measuring inductive reasoning in children with developmental disabilities and mild cognitive impairments. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 11,159-178.
- Resing, W., Elliott, J.G. & Grigorenko, E.L. (2012). Dynamic testing and assessment. In, N. Seel (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, pp. 1055-1058. New York: Springer.
- Stevenson, C.E., Bergwerff, C.E., Heiser, W.J. & Resing, W.C.M. ( 2014). Working memory and dynamic measures of analogical reasoning as predictors of children’s math and reading development. Infant and Child Development 23, 51-66.
2010 - 2011
- Resing, W. C. M., Steijn, W. M.P., Xenidou-Dervou, I., Stevenson, C.E., & Elliott, J.G. (2011). Dynamic testing with an electronic console: Do children listen to the computer? Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 10, 2, 178-194.
- Resing, W.C.M., & Elliott, J.G. (2011). Dynamic testing with tangible electronics: Measuring children’s change in strategy use with a series completion task. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 579-605.
- Tunteler, E., & Resing, W. C. M. (2010). The effects of self- and other-scaffolding on progression and variation in children’s geometric analogy performance: A microgenetic research. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 9, 251-272.
- Elliott, J. G., Grigorenko, E. G., & Resing, W.C.M. (2010). Dynamic Assessment: The need for a dynamic approach. Dynamic Assessment, in P. Peterson, E. Baker, B. McGaw (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, Volume 3, pp. 220-225. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
2006 - 2009
- Resing, W. C. M., Tunteler, E., De Jong, F. J., & Bosma, T. (2009). Dynamic testing in indigenous and ethnic minority children. Learning and Individual Difference, 19, 445-450.
- Resing, W.C.M., De Jong, F.J., Bosma, T., & Tunteler, E. (2009). Learning during dynamic testing: Variability in strategy use by indigenous and ethnic minority children. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 8, 22-37.
- Resing, W.C.M. (2006). Zicht op potentieel. Over dynamisch testen, variabiliteit in oplossingsgedrag en leerpotentieel van kinderen. Oratie. Universiteit Leiden: Maart 2006.
2000 - 2005
- Resing, W.C.M., Ruijssenaars, A.J.J.M., & Bosma, T. (2002). Dynamic assessment: using measures for learning potential in the diagnostic process. In: G.M. Van der Aalsvoort, W.C.M. Resing & A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars (Eds.), Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice Volume 7. Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training (p.29-64. New York: Elsevier Science Ltd.
- Aalsvoort, G.M. Van der, Resing, W.C.M., & Ruijssenaars (Eds.) (2002). Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice Volume 7. Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training (p.1-395). New York: Elsevier Science Ltd.
- Aalsvoort, G.M. Van der, Resing, W.C.M., & Ruijssenaars (2002). New developments in learning potential and cognitive training. In: G.M. Van der Aalsvoort, W.C.M. Resing & A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars (Eds.), Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice Volume 7. Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training (p.1-8). New York: Elsevier Science Ltd.
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1990 - 1999
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